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Latest Past Events

Europe and the Danube

Theme tent 1 Danube bank, Ulm

Apart from organising the Danube Festival, the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm is also working on various projects in the Danube region. These projects focussing on sustainable tourism and sustainable mobility will be presented to you! Furthermore [...]

"Because they know what they are doing - punters in Germany"

vh ulm Kornhausplatz 5, Ulm

Lecture by Kerstin Neuhaus on the john study by Dr Melissa Farley in the Alberts Cafe of the vh ulm Accompanying programme to the exhibition: Faceless - Women in Prostitution The social worker Kerstin Neuhaus presents the [...]

Working meeting partner groups Ileu

Ulm and Neu-Ulm

On Thursday, working meetings of international partner groups of the Danube Networkers will take place and guests will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with local civil society work. Opening of the exhibition Traces of Europe in my city.