
Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH
House of the Danube
Kronengasse 4/3
89073 Ulm

Phone: +49 (0) 731 - 88 03 06-0

Management: Martin Bendel, Ralph Seiffert
Responsible for the content according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV: Sebastian Rihm

Register court Ulm
Register number: HRB 4647
VAT-ID-No.: DE 224419363

All contents of the web pages of Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH (texts, images, graphics, design/layout as well as lettering and logos) are protected by copyright. The pages may only be reproduced for private use. Changes may not be made. Further reproduction without authorisation is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright. The reprinting and utilisation of press releases is permitted. The use of all information and data is subject exclusively to German law.


Liability for the topicality, completeness or quality is excluded. Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH reserves the right to change, amend, delete or cease publication of the website at any time without prior notice. Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH takes the utmost care when assessing the photos, but accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of the photos. The Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH website contains links (references) to other websites. Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages and therefore accepts no responsibility for them. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content.