String ringers and string jumpers

Schon in den 1980er-Jahren begannen vier Ulmer Musiker, die Folklore-Tanzgruppe „Saitenspringer“ aus Ulm mit Live – Musik zu begleiten. In der Anfangszeit bestand das Instrumentarium aus einem Akkordeon, einer Gitarre […]


The Danube is exciting, varied, relaxing and dreamy at the same time. Whether around Mengen or Ehingen, in the Swabian Danube Valley or around Ulm/Neu-Ulm - cycling is fun everywhere! Great tips [...]

Make-up water

The International Danube Festival Ulm/Neu-Ulm, the Ulm Poetry Summer and the Danube Swabian Central Museum (DZM) present: Reading and talk with Frieda Paris What can a poem be? Everything. With 'Nachwasser', the native [...]