El Diabolero

It is anything but easy to put this show into words, because terms such as "diabolo show" or comedy juggling show can only very vaguely describe what it is all about... It is a highly energised [...]

El Diabolero

It is anything but easy to put this show into words, because terms such as "diabolo show" or comedy juggling show can only very vaguely describe what it is all about... It is a highly energised [...]

Master Eckardt

If the numerous stories told at the fair are to be believed, Master Eckart was the seventh generation to run a travelling circus with a travelling curiosity show. This is probably where [...]

Master Eckardt

If the numerous stories told at the fair are to be believed, Master Eckart was the seventh generation to run a travelling circus with a travelling curiosity show. This is probably where [...]