The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on the press conference on 2 May 2024 for this year's Donaufest PM_02

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_01

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_03 - The Donaufest is coming to you 

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_04 - Literature programme 

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_05- Flags and calendar

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_06- Theme tents and EEA

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_07
The Donaufest press timetable with cordial invitation

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_08
Music competition

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_09
Danube Youth Camp

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_10
Kick-off to the festival 

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_11
Invitation to the PK

The 13th International Danube Festival 2024
Press release on this year's Donaufest PM_12
End of this year's festival 

Here you can find the press review and media response to the 13th International Danube Festival 2024

Press from 01 April 2024
Report in Ulm News 

Press from 17.04.2024
Article in the Südwest Presse 

Press from 02 May 2024
Report on Ulm News

Press from 03 May 2024
Report in Südwest Presse

Press from 10 June 2024
Report in Südwest Presse

Press from 02 July 2024
Report in Südwest Presse

Press from 28 June 2024
Report in Ulm News on the flags

Press from 01 July 2024
Report in Schwäbische Zeitung on the start of the Danube Festival

Press from 30 June 2024
Report SWR Seven tips

Press from 02 July 2024
Article on Donau3FM - Here we go

Press from 30 June 2024
Report on SWR - Sebastian Rihm: Celebrating for cultural understanding - Donaufest

Press on Regioactive - Donaufest concert with the Loop Doctors 

Press from 27 June 2024
Report in Südwest Presse - Events in Ulm and Neu-Ulm

Press review from 5 July 2024 on the Danube Festival

Contact Press

Daniel Grafberger

Press International Danube Festival

Tel: +49 0171-6053211