Donaufest flags (Ulm/Neu-Ulm)
Realisation by the Donaufahnenkollektiv
Ralf Milde Idea and concept
Jochen Kohlenberger Font and colour design
Anastasia Iltsou Artistic collaboration
Let's not kid ourselves! Even 24 years after the first Danube Festival, not everyone in Ulm and Neu-Ulm and the thousands and thousands of visitors to past Danube Festivals know how many nations there are along the 2800 kilometres of the Danube!
With the motto "10 nations meet the Danube", the Donaufahnenkollektiv is making a playful and artistic attempt to familiarise the whole world once and for all with these ten nations on the Danube. Because this is unique in the whole world: a river with ten nations living on its banks.
Flag run-in market area DO 04.07.2024 approx. 17.30
Flag sale at the Ulm trade fair, Thu 18 July and Fri 19 July from 18.00 - 20.00 hrs.