Art and culture as a sign of peace

Bulgaria's contribution to peace and cultural understanding in Europe Visitors can look forward to a documentary photo exhibition on the development of the Old Bulgarian Cyrillic script and Slavic writing with archaeological, epigraphic and [...]
art water fabric

A performance with the Viennese artist duo honey & bunny (Sonja Stummerer and Martin Hablesreiter), who are currently showing their exhibition "mindestens haltbar bis" at the Museum Brot und Kunst. honey & bunny [...]
"Ten Nations Meet Danube"

Donaufest-Fahnen (Ulm/Neu-Ulm) Realisation by the Donaufahnenkollektiv Ralf Milde Idea and concept Jochen Kohlenberger Design Font and colours Anastasia Iltsou Artistic collaboration Let's not kid ourselves! Even 24 years after [...]